Our Climate Action SPAN Plan framework
Skills, Passions, Assets, Networks
Climateers is currently developing a basic Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform to help individuals and organizations develop Strategic Action Plans using our Skills, Passions, Actions and Networks framework.
In our eLearning Centre on our Collaboration Spaces platform you’ll soon be able to follow our step-by-step process to develop your own Climate Action Plan.
Our mission is to inspire and empower people like you to maximize your role in helping to rewrite the end of the Climate Crisis story.
Using our proprietary framework and Artificial Intelligence system we are working to help you discover your ‘Climate Ikigai’ and to work out your most powerful levers to have fun and make a difference.
Rewriting the end of the Climate Crisis story needs the biggest collaborative effort that humankind has ever seen.
If you’ve been part of a high performing team, you’ll know the real key to performance is not about a team of stars with similar skills but rather having people with different skills leveraging their individual and complementary skills in a collaborative and supportive environment.
It is the collective efforts of a group that can lead to outstanding results. When team members have complementary skills, they can bring different strengths and perspectives to the table, making problem-solving and decision-making more efficient and effective and build a strong sense of trust and respect to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
We don’t just need entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists to solve the Climate Crisis… we need all skill sets bringing their ‘A’-game, whether it be videographers, copywriters, facilitators or project managers. You might have formal training or you might just be naturally gifted. At Climateers we will help you leverage your superpowers to make a difference
We all love doing what we love doing!
Being such a multifaceted problem with hundreds of solutions each needing hundreds of skills and actions, there are opportunities to find paid or volunteer work doing something you’ll love AS WELL as something the world needs and that are within your skillset.
At Climateers as we build our network as a gateway to the best of the best of climate solutions, our AI systems will get better at saving you time and providing you with options to get involved with activities that you enjoy doing that can have significant impact on the Climate Crisis.
We all have resources that can be used to provide even more leverage to the role you can play in rewriting the end of the Climate Crisis story:
- TIME: One of our most valuable assets is our spare time. Whether through volunteering at a Food Rescue kitchen or helping out as a host at one of Climateer’s Colab Spaces, we are working to provide you with opportunities to meet great people and make meaningful contributions.
- MONEY: We all lead busy lives and finding the time to contribute can be difficult. Investing in a climatetech startup or becoming a Climateers Founder and paying forward a founders package to catalyse the success of Climate organizations are great ways to leverage your existing financial resources and benefit from the opportunities as we transition from a post-fossil fuel economy.
- REPUTATION: If youve lived a life so far where you’ve done great things for great people, you may well be an influencer or a maven that can help contribute to the Social Tipping poiunt needed for a speedy and just transition
In this increasingly connected world that needs urgent local and global action, our networks will play a vital role in helping bring together the people with the skills, passions and assets needed to accelerate the scaling of climate solutions.
If you like what we are doing at Climateers, one of the most impactful things you might be able to do is to let your networks know about Climate Solutions. There are still many parents, business colleagues, customers and suppliers that you know who are most likely unaware of the severity of the Climate Crisis and/or the fact that we all individually have agency. We can all do something small, that collectively can lead to outcomes that immensely positive for future generations.
So please have a think who you know that might benefit from learning more about Climateers and climate solutions and encourage them to join our collaboration community. Please follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook and personally invite your friends and colleagues to join our movement of climate solutionism